Update on Aug 9, 2022: In the code chunk below,
sd = summary(fit_gam)$scale)
was changed tosd = sqrt(summary(fit_gam)$scale))
:y_sim <- matrix(rnorm(n = prod(dim(exp_val_sim)), mean = exp_val_sim, sd = summary(fit_gam)$scale), nrow = nrow(exp_val_sim), ncol = ncol(exp_val_sim))
Thanks to David Kaplan (IRD, France)
Finding prediction intervals (for future observations) is something different than finding confidence intervals (for unknown population parameters).
Here, I demonstrate one approach to doing so.
First we load the library and simulate some data:
dat <- gamSim(eg = 1, n = 400, dist = "normal", scale = 2)
## Gu & Wahba 4 term additive model
The simulated in dat
contains the “truth” in the f
## 'data.frame': 400 obs. of 10 variables:
## $ y : num 3.3407 -0.0758 10.6832 8.7291 14.9911 ...
## $ x0: num 0.266 0.372 0.573 0.908 0.202 ...
## $ x1: num 0.659 0.185 0.954 0.898 0.944 ...
## $ x2: num 0.8587 0.0344 0.971 0.7451 0.2733 ...
## $ x3: num 0.367 0.741 0.934 0.673 0.701 ...
## $ f : num 5.51 3.58 8.69 8.75 16.19 ...
## $ f0: num 1.481 1.841 1.948 0.569 1.184 ...
## $ f1: num 3.74 1.45 6.74 6.02 6.6 ...
## $ f2: num 2.98e-01 2.88e-01 8.61e-05 2.16 8.40 ...
## $ f3: num 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ...
fit_lm <- lm(f ~ f0 + f1 + f2 + f3, data = dat)
plot(dat$f, predict(fit_lm))
abline(0, 1)
And what can be used to demonstrate GAMs are available in the y
and x
fit_gam <- gam(y ~ s(x0) + s(x1) + s(x2) + s(x3), data = dat)
The idea is to simulate parameter vectors, and using such a simulated parameter vector, we can draw observations. Doing this many times can be used to generate a prediction interval.
We first extract the parameter estimates and their covariance matrix:
beta <- coef(fit_gam)
V <- vcov(fit_gam)
We then to simulate a number of parameter vectors. This is done by assuming approximate normality and using the Cholesky trick. The trick is that \[ \hat{\beta} + L \nu \quad \dot \sim \quad \text{MultivariateNormal}(\beta, V) , \] where \(V = L L^\top\) is the Cholesky factorisation of the covariance matrix \(V\) and \(\nu \sim N(0, 1)\).
num_beta_vecs <- 10000
Cv <- chol(V)
nus <- rnorm(num_beta_vecs * length(beta))
beta_sims <- beta + t(Cv) %*% matrix(nus, nrow = length(beta), ncol = num_beta_vecs)
## [1] 37 10000
This should give us something similar to the confidence intervals of the model fit:
d_beta <- cbind(summary(fit_gam)$se, apply(beta_sims, 1, sd))
## [,1] [,2]
## (Intercept) 0.1036817 0.1039225
## s(x0).1 0.3977579 0.3988932
## s(x0).2 0.7249847 0.7212706
## s(x0).3 0.1967577 0.1982036
## s(x0).4 0.4260063 0.4265382
## s(x0).5 0.1450504 0.1444811
plot(d_beta[, 1], d_beta[, 2],
xlab = "Calculated SE",
ylab = "Simulated SE")
abline(0, 1)
We can now proceed to simulating observations. We do that by randomly sampling from the observations with replacement:
n_obs <- 100
sim_idx <- sample.int(nrow(dat), size = n_obs, replace = TRUE)
sim_dat <- dat[sim_idx, c("x0", "x1", "x2", "x3")]
## [1] 100 4
# sim_dat <- dat[, c("x0", "x1", "x2", "x3")]
# dim(sim_dat)
Instead of doing such a sampling, it is also possible to use e.g. a grid of values:
if (FALSE) { # Intentionally not run
xs_range <- apply(dat[, c("x0", "x1", "x2", "x3")], 2, range)
xs_seq <- apply(xs_range, 2, function(x) seq(from = x[1], to = x[2], length.out = 10))
xs_seq_lst <- as.list(as.data.frame(xs_seq))
sim_dat <- do.call(expand.grid, list(xs_seq_lst, KEEP.OUT.ATTRS = FALSE))
Now we can calculate the linear predictors:
covar_sim <- predict(fit_gam, newdata = sim_dat, type = "lpmatrix")
linpred_sim <- covar_sim %*% beta_sims
Now, the inverse link function must be applied to obtain the expected values.
So if e.g. family = Gamma(link = log)
was used in gam()
, then
must be used.
We used the Gaussian family with identity link so the inverse is the identity:
invlink <- function(x) x
exp_val_sim <- invlink(linpred_sim)
Now, the family itself must be used.
If Gamma was used, then rgamma()
(properly parametised) must be used.
We just used Gaussian, so:
y_sim <- matrix(rnorm(n = prod(dim(exp_val_sim)),
mean = exp_val_sim,
sd = sqrt(summary(fit_gam)$scale)),
nrow = nrow(exp_val_sim),
ncol = ncol(exp_val_sim))
## [1] 100 10000
So now entry \((i, j)\) of y_sim
contains the \(i\)’th simulated observation’s simulated response
under parameter vector \(j\) (column \(j\) of beta_sims
We can then find a 95% prediction interval:
pred_int_sim <- apply(y_sim, 1, quantile, prob = c(.025, 0.975))
## [1] 2 100
And e.g. plot it against x0
plot(y ~ x0, data = dat)
sim_dat_x0ord <- order(sim_dat$x0)
lines(sim_dat$x0[sim_dat_x0ord], pred_int_sim[1L, sim_dat_x0ord], col = 2, lwd = 2)
lines(sim_dat$x0[sim_dat_x0ord], pred_int_sim[2L, sim_dat_x0ord], col = 2, lwd = 2)
Confidence intervals can be added:
plot(y ~ x0, data = dat)
sim_dat_x0ord <- order(sim_dat$x0)
lines(sim_dat$x0[sim_dat_x0ord], pred_int_sim[1L, sim_dat_x0ord], col = 2, lwd = 2)
lines(sim_dat$x0[sim_dat_x0ord], pred_int_sim[2L, sim_dat_x0ord], col = 2, lwd = 2)
sim_dat_pred <- predict(fit_gam, newdata = sim_dat, se = TRUE)
lines(sim_dat$x0[sim_dat_x0ord], sim_dat_pred$fit[sim_dat_x0ord], col = 1, lwd = 2)
upr_ci <- invlink(sim_dat_pred$fit + 2*sim_dat_pred$se.fit)
lwr_ci <- invlink(sim_dat_pred$fit - 2*sim_dat_pred$se.fit)
lines(sim_dat$x0[sim_dat_x0ord], upr_ci[sim_dat_x0ord], col = 3, lwd = 2)
lines(sim_dat$x0[sim_dat_x0ord], lwr_ci[sim_dat_x0ord], col = 3, lwd = 2)